Welcome to the beautiful Wellsville City Cemetery. We are pleased to serve you. We are committed to providing an environment that is peaceful and inviting to all who enter the Cemetery grounds. The Wellsville City Cemetery rests on 10 acres of well- maintained land, with approximately 7700 burial plots.
Cemetery Hours: The cemetery is open from daybreak to dusk everyday.
Decoration Policy
- Between April 1 and October 31, floral pieces, decorations, and displays left on any grave must be removed every Thursday by cemetery closing and may be returned on Saturday morning to facilitate mowing (except after interment and Memorial Day in which said items must be removed before the 2nd Thursday after these events).
- Those items not removed by Thursday at closing will be permanently removed by the cemetery superintendent or designee.
- Flowers and similar decoration should be placed in an approved container. Glass ornaments, vases, jars, etc. are prohibited and should not be used to decorate any grave site.
- No rocks, bark, chips, statues, birdbaths, benches, etc. shall be permitted on grave sites and will be removed and disposed of without prior notice.
- Shepherds hooks and wire and wire trellises are prohibited from April 1 to October 31.
Additional Policies
- Only licensed vehicles are allowed to operate within the cemetery. The speed limit is 5 miles per hour. Please drive and park all vehicles on a roadway open for vehicular traffic.
- No animals are allowed to be in the cemetery at any time unless they are kept contained in an enclosed motor vehicle at all times.
- Children under the age of 8 are not allowed to be in the cemetery unless accompanied by an adult.
- No burials will be done on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day.
Click here for a list of burial fees and other associated cemetery fees for residents and non-residents. This list is effective as of April 5, 2018.
Wellsville Cemetery Burial Records are now available to view at www.namesinstone.com.
You can quickly search and find out where someone is buried in the Wellsville Cemetery. You can search the current burial information and see the actual grave on the map.
Non-searchable list of individuals buried in the Wellsville Cemetery (as of March 25, 2003)
(the following database was not created nor is it maintained by Wellsville City and is provided as a courtesy)
Veterans Interred in the Wellsville Cemetery – Updated May 2014
Regulations Markers or Monuments
Headstones are personal property. All monuments within the Cemetery are the property of lot owners, their heirs, or the responsible party that ordered and placed them. All care and upkeep of the monuments is the responsibility of the owners. City crews, who exercise great care in keeping the grounds groomed, maintain the Cemetery. The City will not be responsible for inadvertent scratches and chips that occur from routine maintenance. Such happenings are a condition that goes with the privilege of placing markers in the Cemetery.
At the current time, Wellsville City Cemetery allows for upright or ground flush markers. All headstones or markers must have a concrete border six inches wide installed flush with the surface of the lawn. All permanent vases must be attached to the monument, stone base, or cast into the concrete border. Only one raised marker is permitted per grave. Family monuments must comply with this section.
All monuments must be placed within the boundary of the grave or graves of the owner in conformity with established rows.
It is recommented that monument materials be suitable to handle conditions at the Cemetery. Markers are subject to temperature extremes, snow, ice, sprinkler irrigation water, and occasional nicks or chips from mowing/maintenance equipment. It is recommended that raised markers have a rough raised base or edge rather than a polished or smooth surface. (February 2008)